Carriers for Causes grants are available for good causes within two miles of a One Stop shop. Grants, of up to £1000 will be available to support projects that ‘benefit local communities - helping to improve lives and local places’.
The types of projects funded will be very broad and will cover the direct costs needed to deliver the project, this could be buying litter pickers and bags for a community cleanup days, plants, spades and forks to plant up a new community garden, the cost of a minibus for a day trip for a community group or the materials needed to paint a room at the local hospice.
One Stop’s ‘Carriers for Causes’ is funded through the money raised from the 5p bag charge in One Stop stores in England, Wales and Scotland.
Projects must benefit the local community and grants are available to non-profit organisations and groups only.
Carriers for Causes is a rolling programme, meaning that you can apply for funding all year round. Applications are shortlisted on a quarterly basis for panel decision which will take place every three months. Applicants will generally know the outcome of their application within 16 weeks of applying.
For further information and to apply, visit: