Lloyds Bank Foundation - Transform Fund

Transform grants are for up to £100,000, to be spent over 1-2 years and are aimed at supporting the domestic and sexual abuse sectors as a whole. Funded projects will influence change beyond the individual charity receiving funding. This is a one-off grants programme running from August 2016 with final decisions in early 2017.

The Transform grants programme does not fund service delivery. Specifically, the project needs to:
• Meet Transform's objectives through one or a combination of:
- Influencing policy and practice at either a local, national or regional level
- Building the evidence base (through research and analysis) around needs and identification of effective interventions
- Developing and sharing models that help and support small and medium-sized specialist providers
- Developing and supporting effective partnerships within and across sectors
• Be focused on a distinct project/activity/change that can be delivered over one/two years
• Have identified a demonstrable need with a clear set of objectives built upon meeting this need
• Demonstrate how they will achieve the objectives set
• Have a framework in place for monitoring progress against the objectives. Lloyds Bank Foundation will actively review and monitor this and put in place a framework for monitoring and evaluating the programme as a whole
• The project would need to be able to start quickly after being awarded funded, and certainly by April 2017, so that it could be completed within the two year funding period.

Lloyds Bank Foundation are particularly interested in projects which support innovative ways to help small and specialist services make more impact in accordance with the programme's objectives.

Priority will be given to those projects which show the greatest potential in sharing learning and have a clear plan to achieve it. This work needs to be undertaken as part of the funded activity. Lloyds Bank Foundation are particularly interested in supporting work that would undertake both the delivery, evidence gathering, evaluation and dissemination of learning.

To apply:
• You must be a Charity or Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) registered with the Charity Commission
• Your charity's income must be between £25,000 and £2m
• Your charity’s core work must be focused on domestic or sexual abuse, with a proven track record of expertise in domestic and/or sexual abuse

For further information and to apply, visit: www.lloydsbankfoundation.org.uk/how-to-apply/, or email: [email protected]

Deadline: Friday 30 September 2016, 17:00