Summer Hate Crime Awareness Grants 2016

Following another successful Hate Crime Awareness Week, Manchester wants to continue to target hate crime. Making Manchester Safer wantd to build on the City's reputation for celebrating diversity and encouraging cohesion by holding events and activities throughout the summer. You can help do this by holding an event or activity in your neighbourhood. Making Manchester Safer wants these events to raise awareness of hate crime and promote reporting but equally they are encouraging events that celebrate the diversity of communities within Manchester and show how these communities work together to make the city so great. 

Your group can apply for a grant of up to £200 to assist with these events. The funds can be used to cover the costs of room hire, decorations, speakers, food, arts/crafts, or any reasonable costs for holding an activity or event which promote Hate Crime Awareness.

There is no deadline for submitting an application or fixed date on which your event must take place but funding is limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis over the summer.

For further information and to apply, visit:, or contact 0161 234 1470.