This questionnaire is part of a National Clinical Audit which aims to improve the quality of care that hospitals provide to people who have confusion or memory problems.
The Royal College of Psychiatrists would like this questionnaire to be completed by family carers or key worker carers who visited the person with memory problems during their admission to a general hospital.
You can share your views about the care received by the person you care for and about the communication you have had with staff at the hospital. The information that you give will be used to help the hospital and other hospitals to improve standards of care by highlighting things that are done well and areas that need improvement so any feedback and comments about the care and support provided is welcomed.
The questionnaire contains 17 non-mandatory questions and should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete.
The questionnaire does not ask for your name, so all the information you give will be completely anonymous.
After you have completed the questionnaire, you can enter a prize draw to win one of five £50 vouchers for a high street store of your choice. To enter, you will need to follow the instructions at the end of the questionnaire. The answers you provide to the questionnaire cannot be linked to your prize draw entry.
To complete the questionnaire, visit:
If you have any questions about the National Clinical Audit, visit:, or contact the Project Team on 020 3701 2682 (9am to 5pm) or email: [email protected].