Step Together Spirit Story - I am a different person after volunteering

In Manchester, Step Together are supporting disadvantaged young people and ex-offenders to develop the personal and practical skills required to build a more positive future. We provide tailored one-to-one support to help individuals into volunteering placements that match their needs and interests.

Gemma* has lived in care most of her life, moving around a number of different homes and as a result her life has been very chaotic. Gemma met Sheri, our Volunteer Project Manager in Manchester, in April 2016 after just turning 18 years old. Following a brief period living back with her parents, who both have drug addictions; she was once again in foster care and in need of support to move forward. After getting to know Gemma and discussing her interests, Sheri was able to support Gemma in securing a volunteer placement at Ronald McDonald House Charities, fulfilling her desire to gain experience working with children and help others.

Excited but daunted by the prospect of running her own painting class for children in hospital and their families, Sheri was on hand to support Gemma with organising and managing the first session. Gemma now volunteers every week with the charity and thoroughly enjoys it.

Gemma’s says, “I am a different person after volunteering. I have more confidence now but I wouldn’t have been able to volunteer without support from Step Together”.

Over the past year Step Together has provided one-to-one support to 61 disadvantaged young people in Manchester and more than half went on to volunteer in their local community.
*not her real name
