Ambition for Ageing launches older people led process for £2.5 million investment

Ambition for Ageing launches the design process for their £2.5million 'Scaled Programmes' with an exciting engagement event on 24 January 2017.

'Growing Older in My Greater Manchester' is an event which will draw key priorities for making Greater Manchester more age-friendly, on themes including: Information and Communication; Culture; Places and Spaces and Economy.

This insight, along with findings from the 2016 call for evidence will form the basis of four themed design workshops to think about the type of projects that could potentially address these key areas and be delivered across Greater Manchester, building on the work already being undertaken in 25 different neighbourhoods.

Older people will be integral to the design process from idea to evaluation and the programme is looking to engage with people aged 50+ from a wide range of communities and backgrounds.

The event is taking place on Tuesday 24 January 2017, 10.30am to 3.30pm at St Thomas Centre, Ardwick Green North, Manchester, M12 6FZ

For further information and to register, visit: