Manchester City Council Living Library Event – volunteers wanted

They say you can’t judge a book by its cover and were diversity is concerned, nothing could be truer. We often talk about Manchester’s diverse communities as collective groups, but when you look inside there are thousands of individuals each with their own strengths, their own values and their own identities. Just like reading a book, the more you look into it, the more interesting it becomes. Manchester City Council

Manchester City Council is opening the book on equality by hosting its Living Library event on 9 February 2017. The event will encourage people to visit Central Library where a diverse range of volunteers (‘living books’, will represent some of the many different types of people in Manchester) will share their experience of life from their own lived perspective and how this can be affected by how society perceives them.

By giving people a different insight into life beyond their own experience of it, the event will challenge preconceptions and break down stereotypes.

The Living Library is all about making a difference simply by being recognised for who we are.

For the Living Library to really come to life of course, Manchester City Council are looking to recruit volunteers who want to be living books. Manchester City Council are looking for people who have great stories to tell, stories that will challenge people’s perceptions and influence their thinking. All volunteers will be provided with refreshments and a gift voucher as a token of our gratitude for their time.

For further information and to volunteer, contact Keiran, on 0161 234 3036, or email: [email protected] by Friday 13 January 2017.