Manchester Health and Care Commissioning

This is the single commissioning body responsible for all health and care commissioning in Manchester. Effectively its main job is to issue two very large contracts – one for the Single Hospital Service and the other for the Local Care Organisation.

Manchester Health and Care Commissioning is a partnership between Manchester City Council and the Manchester Clinical Commissioning Group. It brings together the commissioning of health, adult social care and public health in a single partnership arrangement.


Twitter: @ManchesterHCC

Manchester Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
The Health and Social Care Act 2012 places a statutory duty on Manchester's Health and Wellbeing Board to continuously involve the local community throughout the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) process. It provides a vehicle for capturing the detailed knowledge that voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector organisations have of the needs of the communities they work for alongside gaps in service provision and issues of service quality and access. The JSNA (available on the Manchester City Council website) comprises of both a Childrens and Young People and a separate Adults and Older People JSNAs along with Area Profiles which have detailed information on neighbourhoods.

Manchester Population Health Plan 2018-2027
This plan (attached below) has been informed by evidence from research, national and international best practice and local population insight, building on the approach exemplified by the Manchester Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA).