Charity Places in the Great Manchester Run 2017 - Sign up with Macc now!

Have you missed out on a place in this year's Great Manchester Run (10k)?
Don't worry, we've got you covered!..
..sign up now and run for the Spirit of Manchester Fund from Macc (the organisation that manages the volunteer centre).

Spirit of Manchester run

"Macc is the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector support organisation for the city of Manchester. Our purpose is to encourage, support and develop VCSE organisations and individuals to have a real influence over the places and communities in which they live".

As part of our annual Spirit of Manchester Macc has developed a scheme to provide small grants to local voluntary and community groups, social enterprises or registered charities to help deliver projects, events or community activities which will improve the and wellbeing of people who live, work or study in Manchester. The Spirit of Manchester Fund unleashes the wealth of talent, skills and energy in local community through a small (mini) grants funding programme.

Every penny donated to the Spirit of Manchester Fund will support local projects that alleviate poverty, improve health, and develop skills, education and employment.

You can read an example of some of the impact of the Spirit of Manchester Fund (from 2016) at:

Sign up now and RUN for the Spirit of Manchester Fund...
We’ve secured 10 charity places in the Great Manchester Run 2017 (10k event) - which is the third-largest mass participation running event in the United Kingdom and will be happening on the Sunday 28 May 2017. All places are issued free of charge to runners (you'll get a running pack, sponsorship form, a run token and goody bag - upon completion of the run!).

All we ask is that you aim to raise a minimum of £52 to cover the cost of your place! We'd be even happier if you could go beyond this and raise more!

If you'd like to offer your support and Run for the Spirit of Manchester Fund, or for further information, please contact Jack Puller on 0161 830 4770 or email: [email protected].

You can read more about Macc via their website at:

You can read more about the Spirit of Manchester programme (fund) via the Manchester Community Central website at:….
