One Manchester Community Soups – apply by 31 May 2017

Community soups, based on a project that’s had brilliant results in Detroit, One Manchester are inviting people and groups with creative ideas that make a real difference in their communities to pitch their ideas to a community audience at Soup events happening across east, central and south Manchester from the 19–22 June. One Manchester Community Soups

After enjoying a bowl of soup (or some equally lovely hot food) and listening to the pitches, the audience got to vote for the projects they thought should get the funding.

But how exactly does it work?
If you’ve got an idea to pitch at the soups, complete an application form here:

Complete the form telling One Manchester more about your project and how it will make a difference.

One Manchester will then invite projects they think will make the most difference to pitch your idea at your local area One Manchester Soup.

You will be provided help to get your four minute pitch ready for the community audience.

The local community will then come along to listen to your ideas and debate amongst themselves which projects should be funded while enjoying their food. The audience will then vote and the successful projects will be given funding.

Deadline: 31 May 2017