Ping! Manchester - Table Tennis Opportunity

Ping! a table tennis participation project which Manchester City Council are working with alongside Table Tennis England for 2017. The idea is to bring table tennis into public spaces across the country - making the sport more visible and accessible to the public. Ping

Ping! is the free street ping pong festival which sees table tennis tables popping up in remarkable and surprising places in 24 towns and cities all over England

Chris FitzGerald would like to speak to any potential venues that might want to be part of PING in Summer 2017. Table Tennis is a great sport to engage with less active groups and your group or venue could be a great place to host a table for approximately 6 weeks this summer. As well as a table, you would also receive bats, balls and opportunities to promote the venue and activities via the PING website.

If you are interested in hosting a table this summer, contact Chris FitzGerald, on 0161 219 2931 / 0794 978 8997, or email: [email protected]

For further information, visit: