GMCVO has launched a competition to secure providers for the first three Ambition for Ageing Scaled Programmes to be delivered across the eight districts of Greater Manchester where Ambition for Ageing is operating.
The first round of Scaled Programmes will include:
Scaled Programme 1 – Festival of Ageing
• A fun and informative festival in July 2018 to celebrate diverse experiences of ageing. The festival will highlight and celebrate the contributions of people aged over 50 living in Greater Manchester and challenge many of the stereotypes of ageing. The provider will plan and host a series of events and support people in communities to host their own events too.
• Contract Value: Approximately £80k
• Deadline for Applications: Thursday 7 September 2017 at 12pm
Scaled Programme 2 – Community Media
• Lots of people aged over 50 told us that a lack of access to information about what is going on in their communities is a contributor to isolation. GMCVO are now looking for a provider who can research this issue and provide an evidence base to help us focus resource where it is most needed. A research and planning stage will take place between October 2017 and April 2018. The contract may be extended to a delivery stage up to December 2019.
• Contract Value: Approximately £50k
• Deadline for Applications: Thursday 7 September 2017 at 12pm
Scaled Programme 3 – Community Navigators (Round 1)
• A community brokerage service which will target the following three target groups:
- People over 50 with age-related hearing loss
- Men over 75 living alone on a low income
- Bangladeshi men and women over 50
• Evidence tells that these groups are at higher risk of social isolation due to barriers they may face in engaging with mainstream activities, and that the numbers of people in these groups are likely to grow as Greater Manchester ages. Bidders will be able to apply to deliver the service to one, two or all three groups. The provider/s will connect people together with existing activities, services and organisations. This will help people to be more socially connected and help us to learn about the best ways to support people in these groups.
• Contract Value: Approximately £300-375k (£100-125k per group)
• Deadline for Applications: Thursday 5 October 2017 at 12pm
All of the information, including the bidding documents, the contract documents and the application process, is available on GMCVO's Bidding Portal.
GMCVO are holding an information event for potential bidders on Thursday 17 August. This event is for organisations interested in bidding for any of the scaled programmes. It will provide an opportunity to find out more information and ask questions.
For further information, visit: