People's Postcode Trust - Small Grants Programme apply by 28 August 2017

People’s Postcode Trust is a grant-giving body funded by players of People’s Postcode Lottery. People’s Postcode Trust provides funding opportunities to community groups and charities in Scotland, England and Wales, through grants ranging from £500 - £20,000 (or up to £10,000 in Wales). People's Postcode Trust

People are at the heart of People’s Postcode Trust. It aims to provide short-term, designated funding to good causes that focus on the prevention of poverty and the upholding of human rights for some of society’s most vulnerable groups.

People’s Postcode Trust aims to fund grassroots organisations, local charities and non-profit community businesses seeking to effect positive change within their local area. You can apply to People’s Postcode Trust if you are one of the following:
• Constituted Voluntary and Community Organisation
• A Registered Charity
• A Community Interest Company
• Charitable Incorporated Organisation

People’s Postcode Trust is all about people – helping people to lift themselves out of poverty and uphold their individual rights. PPT aims to help people find real solutions to tackling the root causes of poverty and its long-term consequences by, for example, helping people gain the skills, knowledge and resources they need to improve their life chances. Poverty prevention can focus on relieving other needs, such as those associated with ethnicity, geography, gender, age or disability.

PPT aims to fund projects that give people a voice to help them uphold their rights and find their own place within society.

There is a two stage application process:
Stage One will comprise an Expression of Interest Form. If successful, an organisation will be invited to apply to the Stage Two full application form.

For further information and to apply, visit:, or contact 0131 555 7287, or email: [email protected]

Deadline for an expression of interest: 28 August 2017