Alcohol Research UK Small Grants programme 2017/18

The Alcohol Research UK Small Grants programme provides up to £8,000 for exploratory projects that address emerging issues in alcohol research, employ novel theoretical or methodological approaches, or pilot new work in treatment or service delivery. Alcohol Research UK

The Small Grants programme is intended for stand-alone projects and the scheme cannot be used to part-fund or supplement other studies such as larger programmes, ongoing initiatives or to part fund a PhD.

Applicants should bear in mind their commitment to maximising public involvement in their funded programmes. Where feasible and appropriate, all applicants are encouraged to build public involvement into the design, delivery and dissemination of their proposed projects.

The principal applicant should be able to demonstrate that they have sufficient knowledge and skills to complete the proposed project. Depending on the nature of the proposed work, this may be either academic or other work-based experience.

Small Grants projects can be up to 12 months in duration.

For further information and to apply, visit:

Deadline: Wednesday 13 September 2017