Cervical screening (smear test) survey for North Manchester

Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust is working with Manchester Clinical Commissioning Group to better understand how women from minority ethnic communities living in Manchester feel about cervical screening (smear tests). NHS Manchester CCG and Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust

They have designed a survey that takes less than 15 minutes to complete and your answers will help to improve services and make sure targeted information is provided to women to help them make choices about their health. If you complete the survey you'll be entered into a prize draw for a chance to win £50 worth of shopping vouchers.

The survey is for women who are eligible for cervical screening, invitations are sent to all women with a cervix and sent from the age of at 24 and half until 64 years old and for women living in Manchester only.

Complete the survey here: www.jostrust.org.uk/support/research/cervical-screening-smear-test-survey-north-manchester