Stepping into volunteers’ shoes: a national survey on the volunteer experience

This year, NCVO, are putting the focus back on volunteers through an exciting piece of research looking at their experience of volunteering, to see what learnings they can take to contribute to policy and practice across the sector. NCVO

There’s no denying that there is a wealth of existing literature and data that paints a picture of what volunteering in this country looks like; notably, the government’s Community Life Survey provides reliable trend data on current rates of volunteering. Looking at both previous and current national surveys of volunteering, however, NCVO discovered that an area no longer covered was the volunteer experience. This area was included back in 2007 in the Helping Out survey, covering different aspects, from how volunteers were being managed and supported to overall perceptions of their volunteering experiences.

NCVO feel that there’s great value in shedding light on this area once again, 11 years on. NCVO believe that there is more to understand about the experience and impacts of volunteering from the volunteer perspective.

So, this year, NCVO will be engaging volunteers across the country through a national survey to explore and understand their experience of volunteering. Through this research, their aim is to address knowledge gaps and add value by generating rich, practical insights for the sector.

NCVO will be launching the survey in the spring, and undertaking follow up research activities over the summer and autumn, with a view to publishing the research findings later in the year.

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