A Greater Manchester survey to better unerstand how The GMHSC Partnership can support working carers

Following the launch of the Carers Charter for Greater Manchester in January, the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership (GMHSC Partnership) has demonstrated its commitment to carers and adopted the Working Carers Pledge. The pledge was developed using established good practice and research by carer organisations and outlines twelve commitments to working carers such as support with balancing multiple roles, help to stay healthy and well, and access to support and information they might need. Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership

As the GMHSC Partnership begins to look at how to make sure working carers across Greater Manchester receive the support they need, a survey has been developed to understand the different challenges working carers can face and the support made available to them by their employer. This survey is open to all working carers in the region.

Of the 220,000 carers of working age across Greater Manchester only around 65% are in employment. The GMHSC Partnership wants to better understand what can be done to make working carers better able to balance their caring and work responsibilities, and what can be done to get more carers into paid employment, if this is what they wish to do. For this reason the GMHSC Partnership wants to learn from the experience of as many carers as possible, whether working or not.

When people need help with their day-to-day living including their care, they often turn to their family and friends. Looking after each other is something that we do. If you are providing this help on an unpaid basis, you are a carer. If you are holding down a paid job and caring for someone, then you are a Working Carer.

Definition of a Carer: A carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support.

Definition of a Working Carer: Working Carers can be in full/part time employment and also provide the above.

Your response to this survey will be completely anonymous.

To complete the survey, visit: www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/GM_Working_Carers_Survey