Equalities Coordinator Host Organisation required for GM Health and Social Care VCSE Engagement Project

GMCVO, on behalf of the Greater Manchester VCSE Devolution Reference Group, is leading on a Health and Social Care Engagement project to implement the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care and the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector in Greater Manchester. The Memorandum of Understanding sets out a way for the VCSE sector in Greater Manchester to be better engaged and linked in with the Health and Social Care devolution agenda in GM. This engagement is both at a GM strategic and governance level across all of the 10 GM local authority areas.

As part of the project the Reference Group has been working with VCSE Equalities organisations and colleagues from the GM Health and Social Care Partnership to co-produce a new approach around Equalities. As part of this process a shadow ‘Equalities Board’ has been developed with an action plan and associated budget for 2018-2021. The Reference Groups is now looking for an ‘Equalities Coordinator Host Organisation’ to provide support to this area of delivery and host a dedicated part-time member of staff (this can be covered by existing capacity within the organisation or recruited with support from the project team at GMCVO).

Funding available and key deliverables: Up to £49,000 per annum until March 2021 to cover:
•           Hosting and management of part-time ‘Equalities Coordinator’ role (£18,000 per annum for salary and overheads)
•           Delivery of secretariat function for the Equalities Board
•           Delivery of action plan with associated budget
•           Managing volunteer expense funds
•           Coordinating any other project delivery decided upon by the Equalities Board

For further information and to apply, visit: www.gmcvo.org.uk/gm-health-and-social-care-vcse-engagement-project-are-looking-recruit-equalities-coordinator-host-or, or contact Kat Rado-Barnes at: [email protected]

Deadline for applications: Tuesday 8 May 2018, 17:00