Big Lottery – Partnerships Funding

Through the partnerships funding, the Big Lottery make grants over £10,000 for organisations who share responsibility and influence with others, who have a shared set of goals and values, and achieve their mission by starting with the bigger picture rather than just what their organisation can do on its own. Big Lottery Fund

Grants are awarded for up to five years and project activities, operating costs, organisational development and capital costs will be funded.

Partnerships funding is specifically designed to support generous leadership and increased collaborative working, which starts with shared goals and values between different organisations and an understanding of the bigger picture. 

You can be supported to develop and grow existing partnerships and also to encourage new types of partnership which build on your different skills and strengths.

The funding can support many different types of partnership, including:
• cross-sector partnerships
• local place-based collaboration
• local and national organisations working together around a particular theme

Funding priorities
Ideas will be supported that meet three funding priorities:
• bring people together and build strong relationships in and across communities
• improve the places and spaces that matter to communities
• enable more people to fulfil their potential by working to address issues at the earliest possible stage

For further information and to apply, visit:

Applications can be submitted at any time.