FSI’s brand new e-learning course – Fundraising Strategy

Developing a comprehensive and effective fundraising strategy is vital to the sustainability of your charity. Taking a strategy approach to your fundraising will help you diversify and strengthen your income streams and enable you to focus resources on areas with the highest return. The FSI

This e-learning course will give you the tools and understanding to build a sustainable fundraising strategy for your organisation. It will provide a structured road map and activities to link together your organisational objectives with your fundraising targets and methods, and to develop an action plan to put the strategy into practice.

Learning objectives
• At the end of this course participants will be able to:
• Describe the purpose and key elements of a fundraising strategy and where it fits with other organisational strategies and plans.
• Use strategic planning tools to contextualise the fundraising strategy, taking into account both organisational factors and the external environment.
• Appraise fundraising options and opportunities to determine which methodologies will be a best fit for their cause, organisation and both short-term and long-term needs.
• Prepare an annual plan which sets out, for each fundraising area, targets, activities, timescales, performance indicators and resource requirements.
• Implement the fundraising strategy taking into account potential risks.
• Plan for regular review and monitoring of the fundraising strategy.

Target Audience
This course will benefit the most senior fundraiser within your charity, such as the CEO, Fundraising Manager or person leading/with responsibility for the fundraising function.

The course takes place online. It will take you through a series of modules, each explained through audio clips and written sections. You will also undertake a number of interactive exercises, some of which you will be asked to download and complete separately.

The course is designed to take approximately 5-7 hours to complete in full, with all exercises done thoroughly. You can undertake the modules at any pace you want, within your access period, and can pause at any point and come back to where you were.

For further information, visit: www.thefsi.org/e-learning/11985/