The Association for Industrial Archaeology Restoration Grants 2019

The Association for Industrial Archaeology (AIA) are awarding Restoration Grants of up to £20,000 for a range of historic and industrial archaeology purposes. The Association for Industrial Archaeology

Criteria for awarding the grants:
• The grant is for the restoration of historically, technically, architecturally, and/or archaeologically important industrial buildings, structures, machinery, vehicles and vessels within the UK
• the application will usually relate to a single, tangible structure or artefact
• the heritage asset must be covered by a Conservation Policy and/or Statement
• the heritage asset must be sustainably managed, displayed and interpreted for the public, therefore the public must have full access to the asset
• the grant must not result in another body reducing its funding
• the grant is to be used as partnership funding, the applicant being in the process of or having already raised matching funding from their own resources, fund raising, an HLF, PRISM or other grant award
• the grant from the AIA must be a significant part of the total project cost, not just a small contribution to a very large project, so that the AIA grant has significant impact. The AIA would not normally fund projects where their grant represents less than 20% of the total project costs;
• the grant can be either for new projects or ones which have begun but need further funding for completion
• the grant is for capital funding only, not on-going revenue funding

The maximum grant that can be awarded is £20,000

The applicant organisation must be a not-for-profit organisation such as a Trust,
charity, CIC etc. Grants are not available for private businesses or individuals.

The AIA is keen that both the Association and, in turn, the public appreciation of industrial heritage, is enhanced through the awarding of these restoration grants.

For further information and to apply, visit:, or email: [email protected]   

Deadline: 31 March 2019