In January 2017, Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust (GMMH) embarked on an ambitious programme of clinical service transformation to improve the mental health outcomes for people receiving their services and to support the wider mental wellbeing of Manchester citizens.
Part of this vision for Manchester services involves building community support to promote mental wellbeing (feeling good and functioning well) and support people living with mental health conditions in the community. A budget of £1.5m has been allocated for the three-year Manchester Wellbeing Fund, for community groups and GMMH service users who have great ideas about how to support their communities.
The main objectives of the Fund are:
• to develop community support around people's mental health needs
• to promote mental health and wellbeing
• to challenge the stigma around mental illness
Grants of between £250 and £3,000 are available.
The Fund is for groups and service users who are passionate about mental wellbeing in their communities.
The Fund is now open for all neighbourhoods and for citywide applications and is a rolling programme.
For further information and to apply, visit:, or email: [email protected]