Research grant funding to benefit community businesses

Do you have a research idea with a tangible benefit for community business? Power to Change's Research Institute is reopening applications for research grant funding on 3 June. Power to Change are looking to fund up to 3 projects with up to £40,000 research grants. Power to Change

Power to Change offers funding and support to the community business sector and invests heavily in impact and evaluation. 5% of the £150 million this trust was awarded, goes towards research and supports the activities of the Power to Change Research Institute. Through the promotion of high-quality evidence and critical analysis, the research findings help shape policy and practice.

Twice every year, Power to Change run an open call for research grant funding that invites organisations or individuals that support the use of high-quality research to benefit the wider community business sector. The research may seek to investigate challenges to growth for development, to focus on lessons to be learned from past failures and raising awareness of the role and impact of community business in society.

For further information and to apply, visit: