Funding to support work around foetal alcohol spectrum disorder

gov.ukApplications are invited for grants to harness the creativity and capacity of the voluntary sector to improve outcomes for those living with FASD and their families, and to reduce the number of alcohol exposed pregnancies.

£473k is available for bids to commence in financial year 2020/21. The aim is for a smaller number of grants and therefore application via consortia where projects align are encouraged.

There is particular interest in innovative approaches from the voluntary sector along the themes of:

  • Helping support Children and Young People with FASD to improve their understanding and management of their condition
  • Developing support tools for families of those with FASD
  • Developing tools to help improve training and education of professionals to raise the awareness of FASD
  • Encouraging zero alcohol consumption during pregnancy
  • Target activity to high-risk couples where complex issues like parental conflict, alcohol consumption and mental health problems are evident
  • Coordinate multi agency support where appropriate

Activities can be targeted across any part of the system relating to FASD prevention or management.

Applications working across schools, communities and healthcare, social care, criminal justice, drug and alcohol services are welcomed.

To be eligible to apply your organisation must be carrying out activities that involve:
“… providing a service similar to a service provided by the National Health Service or by local authority social services, promoting, publicising or providing advice to do with providing either a national health or local authority social service or a similar service”.

For further information and to apply, visit:

Deadline for applications: 15 November 2019, 12:00