A2Z Renewable Development Trust - Wind power from waste

On Saturday 21st September, Azuka and a group of young people built a wind turbine in three hours in Longsight from waste materials such as drainage pipes. This was part of a A2Z Renewable Development Trust programme to provide training courses on energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies and many of the young people came from across Greater Manchester including Oldham and Moston. Many had heard about it by word of mouth. Two weeks ago, they talked about a battery to store solar energy and the young people learnt how a motor works and how it generates electricity.

Azuka, the workshop leader, has a civil engineering degree and a masters, and has long been passionate about renewable energy. He said, "I come from Nigeria and I have always been interested in energy and technology. It is important for young people to learn about IT, renewable energy and artificial intelligence as this will be important knowledge in the future. They have been really interested in the workshops and it gives them something to do".

One of the young people, Michael, loves the workshops and said, "It is good for the environment and I have learnt a lot. I was not as aware of the environment as I am now."

For more information on the A2Z Renewable Development Trust, you can visit their website - https://a2zrdt.com/
