Coronavirus (COVID-19) – information signposting and guidance for voluntary sector organisations

We will be posting regular reminders on practical things we can all do as individuals to help reduce the risk of catching and spreading this virus and to remind us of the importance of good hygiene, plus details of any practical measures being taken in our building to help minimise the risk of spread of the virus.

We are keeping up to date with advice from NHS England and the Department of Health and Social Care. The government site gives clear guidance on what to do (e.g. self-isolate) if you have returned from visiting any of the affected areas, whether you are experiencing symptoms or not.


What we are doing:

  • We are putting practical measures in place to help reduce the risk of spread of the virus, such as improved signage in toilets about hand-washing; antibacterial hand-wash in kitchens and regular disinfecting of taps and public door handles. These practical measures will be reviewed regularly, particularly in light of any changes to public health guidance
  • We will be looking at contingency plans should matters escalate and the services we provide can no longer be delivered (either by staff illness or a break in any of our supply chains) – if you haven’t already done this, it may be timely to revisit your own contingency planning for the services you provide

What we as individuals will be doing to reduce the risk:

  • Regular and thorough hand-washing with hot soapy water (not touching mouth, nose or eyes with unwashed hands)
  • The agreement not to take offence when someone politely reminds us about washing our hands (it is easy to forget when we are always in a rush and our minds are elsewhere).
  • Using tissues or your elbow
  • Using antibacterial wipes on phones etc. especially if you hot desk regularly
  • Avoid close contact with people who are unwell
  • Ensure people you support to understand the situation (particularly if they are unable to speak/read English)
  • If you think you might be infected with the Coronavirus, do not risk spreading it by coming into work or by going to the GP or hospital, ring 111 for advice


Awareness resources

Easy Read - Inclusion North have produced Coronavirus – Easy Read Information and Purple All Stars have produced a hand washing rap video

SignHealth have produced BSL information on COVID-19 is available on their website here

Doctors of the World have produced in partnership with the Red Cross, Migrant Help and Clear Voice Coronavirus (Covid 19) advice for patients in 20 languages, click here

Carers UK have developed advice and guidance for carers click here  

COVID-19 Plan & Prep Guide - NMD United volunteers have designed a COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) guide for adults living with neuromuscular disabilities. The goal of this guide is to provide fact-based, reliable resources that educate the community on how to reduce and prevent the spread of COVID-19, while also providing practical coping tools and life-management strategies that can be used not just for this specific situation, but for addressing any viral or bacterial infection risk.


Useful advice and guidance

Advice for small charities - If you're a small charity take a look at Small Charities Coalition's useful special briefing on Coronavirus. It covers what to do to help stop viruses like Coronavirus spreading and has useful prompts of things to consider for your organisation and to support the people you work with. Read the briefing here

Guidance for employers and businesses

NCVOs, guidance on steps you may need to take

Small Charities Coalition Coronavirus bulletin

Going remote overnight – preparing for the Coronavirus

If you are providing services in the social, community care or residential care setting there is some specific advice for providers of these services here on the government website here

You may have specific questions on how to manage your organisation in relation to the outbreak, particularly if you have employees and volunteers. Employees may be concerned about arrangements for sick pay particularly if they need to self-isolate in line with current government and NHS guidance. Advice for employers and employees from Acas here

Survivors Manchester - Temporary Suspension of Drop In Service - As the coronavirus having reached the UK, Survivors Manchester want to take their responsibility in preventing the spread of the infection and as a precaution and on advice from their NHS Commissioners they have agreed to temporarily suspend the Drop In service. However, all of their other services are open as normal but are asking anyone with flu-like symptoms to contact them before attending.