Crisis – In this together: emergency grants fund

CrisisA fund to support organisations working to support the homeless or reduce homelessness.

Two programmes are available, grants of up to £5,000 and grants of up to £50,000.

The effect of the COVID19 virus has been significant on those supporting people who are experiencing rough sleeping and homelessness. Crisis is calling on national governments and local councils to take emergency measures to ensure people experiencing homelessness can receive the same care as other vulnerable population groups. Crisis also want to support groups who are financially affected by additional demands on their resources and have established an emergency grant fund for this purpose.

Scope and purpose of the grant

  • UK Wide
  • Local organisations (i.e. providing specific and direct services in a set number of locations) 
  • Registered charities who provide services which address homelessness (homelessness may not be their primary focus, but the funded activities must address or alleviate homelessness)
  • Funding to be restricted to assistance needed to cope with the impact of CV19, and not simply to meet wider funding gaps
  • Funding could be to meet additional demand or reduction in staffing or other resources caused by impact of CV19

Grant structure

  • Awards up to £5,000 for short-term emergencies (projects within 3 months), following a limited/fast-tracked application process (payments made in advance)
  • Awards up to £10,000 to fund more structural needs, following a full application process (payments made in advance)
  • Awards up to £50,000 to fund long-term needs and potential expansion or change in service delivery, following a full application process (payments in advance, but potential for staged payments over a specified period)

Grant process

  • Awards up to £5,000 – Submitted applications will be considered and decisions will be made within 24 hours of receipt of the form
  • Awards up to £10,000 and up to £50,000 submitted applications will be followed up with a phone / Skype discussion with Crisis Best Practice team and decision within 48 hours of receipt of form

For more information and to apply click here