Stay connected to your friends and neighbours

Near Neighbours postcardWhile we are learning to live in an era of social distancing, during which we avoid physical contact and gatherings are banned, we need to explore how to stay relationally close to people: new technologies can help, and many are using them for work, for social activities, and for keeping in touch with friends and family.

But not everybody can access new technologies, and we need to explore other ways to reach out and help people feel loved, valued and embraced.

For this reason Near Neighbours have produced a postcard: you can print some, add a personal message on the back and deliver them to your neighbours, to let them know that you are there for them if they need any help or just for a chat over the phone in this challenging period.

You can also print the card and display it in your window, or share it on social media

For more info, and to download the card click here