The Government rules to fight COVID-19 mean that daily life is going to be significantly disrupted for the foreseeable future. This means a significant reduction in face-to-face interaction with people and potentially for some, none at all.
Social workers, care workers, personal assistants (PAs) and others are in a unique position not only to promote disease prevention efforts (including disseminating accurate information from trusted sources), but also to help address anxiety and other concerns, and keep people connected and safe during this public health crisis.
This quick guide shares information, resources and ideas that you can use – especially if you now are working remotely or in isolation, and which can be shared with the people you support. Whilst the term ‘social distancing’ is being used to describe these measures, it may be helpful to think about the need to ‘physical distance’ as it is crucial this doesn’t mean we socially disconnect. Social connection is core to our mental wellbeing, and there are many ways we can stay connected, including virtually.
SCIE’s COVID-19 hub contains more relevant information including safeguarding, Mental Capacity Act and infection control. It can be used when working and supporting people who are isolated or vulnerable through COVID-19, and can also be shared with community groups.
This is a live document and will be updated regularly with emerging good practice and other sources of guidance and information.
For more information click here