Manchester Climate Change Partnership are recruiting for a Chair

manchester climate change partnershipManchester is one of the first cities in the world to set climate change commitments in line with the Paris Agreement. This is an exciting opportunity to lead the group set up to ensure the city responds to its ambitious commitments, the Manchester Climate Change Partnership (the Partnership).

The Partnership is a stakeholder group established to help the city to set the right climate change targets, put in place the required strategy and governance to meet them, and to engage and mobilise partners and communities to play their full part in the successful delivery of the strategy.

The Partnership is made up of businesses, the voluntary sector, faith organisations and the public sector who together represent a significant proportion of the city’s emissions or have reach to groups that do. 

The Manchester Climate Change Agency (the Agency) is an independent company set up with the support of the City Council, which provides operational and technical support to the Partnership.

In February 2020, the Partnership and Agency published the Manchester Climate Change Framework 2020-25, the city’s overarching strategy for the next five years. The Framework is underpinned by the commitments of Partnership members, each with their own bespoke action plans.

The Partnership is looking for a new Chair to take forward the group’s work at this time of great ambition and opportunity for the city’s work on climate change. Working with Partnership members and a new Agency Director (to be recruited during 2020), the Chair will play a key role in developing and supporting the delivery of a new Business Plan for the Partnership and Agency. With the right resources, the aim is to build on the Agency’s work since 2015 and ensure it is playing a key role with the Partnership in accelerating climate action across the city.

The appointment of the new Chair is part of a package of three strands of recruitment activity during 2020: Chair appointment; appointment of a new Director for the Agency to lead the development of the organisation, in collaboration with the Chair, and; appointment of Agency staff to enable current activities to be scaled up.

Role duration: 3 years / fixed term

To apply, send your CV and a short submission of 500 words saying why you would like to be Chair of the Partnership, what you can bring to the role and your aspirations for the Manchester Climate Change Partnership to: [email protected]

For more information click here

Deadline: 10 August, 17:00
