Voluntary organisations working in the criminal justice system with under £500,000 annual income can apply now for grant funding to support their vital work during Covid-19 or to make adaptations as we look ahead towards recovery and a ‘new normal’.
The pandemic has had a profound effect on voluntary organisations, the vast majority of which have had to reduce service provision or are adapting their services to deliver vital support to people in the criminal justice system. Clinks is pleased to be distributing £275,000 on behalf of Her Majesty's Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS) and the Ministry of Justice in recognition of the continued challenges presented to voluntary organisations at this time.
Who can apply?
Clinks want to hear from organisations with an existing relationship with HMPPS with under £500,000 annual income who are delivering, or have a track record of delivering, services to support people in prison, through-the-gate and in the community in the context of Covid-19.
Clinks are keen to hear from organisations working across the breadth of the voluntary sector in England and Wales including those delivering specialist services for people with protected characteristics.
Organisations are also welcome to apply if they have previously offered support to HMPPS through the sector support mobilisation process to adapt their service or deliver more support during the pandemic, whether they have been accepted, declined or are currently being considered.
What will be funded
Activities and resources which help organisations deliver support to people in the criminal justice system during the crisis. For example, this could be additional equipment or a contribution towards a salary.
Grants are expected to be £3,000 - £5,000. No organisation will be granted more than £20,000.
The funding is not for activity already delivered by Community Rehabilitation Companies, but can complement them.
For more information and to apply click here or contact 0208 144 2551 or email: [email protected]
Deadline: 17 August, 9:00