The Road Safety Trust Small grants plus programme

road safety trustThe Road Safety Trust are relaunching their Small Grants programme in a slightly different format to 2019. For this round they have increased the minimum amount that can be applied for to £20K and the maximum amount to £50K. The Trust are particularly encouraging applications that respond to changing road use and emerging road safety issues as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

All applications must include a focus on evaluation of effectiveness.

The main aim of the Small Grants Programme is to improve road safety at a local level. The programme has been designed after reviewing their first four years of funding and listening to the views of stakeholders. This told us that there was a need for funding for smaller, local projects with a practical focus.

The Road Safety Trust are looking for measurable interventions that link to local priorities and show a proposed link to reducing casualties either directly or through clear interim measures. Eligible projects are pilots/trials, expanding successful trials across a new area, and/or the evaluation of interventions. Projects should have the potential for being brought to scale – with the ultimate goal of reducing deaths and injuries both locally and across the UK.

Who can apply
Local Authorities, Police Forces, Fire and Rescue Services or UK-based registered charities, not-for-profit social enterprises or community interest companies can apply.

Supported objectives
The Trust are committed to funding projects that support the objectives of the grant programme, which are to:

  • Generate new knowledge about what works
  • Translate ideas into new measures
  • Influence Road Safety Policy and Practice
  • Support partnership working or collaboration

For more information and to apply click here

The fund will open to applications on 15 September 2020 and close on 21 October 2020.