One Manchester Community Soup - apply by 19 Oct 2020

one manchesterAre you part of a group or an individual with exciting new plans to make a difference in your neighbourhood?

One Manchester Community Soups can help to fund your project with up to £4,000 in funding available.

This year the Community Soups will be a little different. One Manchester will be holding them virtually so that everybody can take part safely.

For this round of Soups Manchester Mind specifically want to hear from groups that can help to make a difference in Clayton or Ardwick. This can be by making the best of local resources or public spaces, addressing environmental issues or helping improve people’s wellbeing. One Manchester want everyone in our communities to have the opportunity to access positive activities that promote health and wellbeing, bring the community together and help reduce loneliness and isolation.

(You should consider projects that can be done safely and in line with Government guidance relating to Coronavirus.)

How does it work?
The Community Soup and allows local community groups and businesses to pitch for up to £4,000 in funding to support their projects, and voting takes place within the community. The final decision is made by the community, who vote for the idea they want to fund.

One Manchester will take a look at the applications and then make a shortlist based on how well the project matches up with their vision for our communities.

Four ideas will then be shortlisted. You will need to record your pitch by video should your project get shortlisted. Voting will take place online for anybody in the community to choose their favourite, with the most successful projects will be given funding.

For more information and to apply click here

Deadline: 19 October 2020, 12pm