Xmas Party Heroes

xmas party heroesHas Covid cancelled your staff Christmas party? You can donate the unused cost of you Christmas party to a charity of your choice. Join many other businesses in making a big difference to a lot of people’s lives this Xmas. Donate the unused cost of your Xmas party to a charity of your choice.

To become a hero and be part of something this fantastic, all you need to do is:

  • Choose the charity and your pledge amount
  • Notify Xmas Party Heroes of the pledge amount via their contact us page
  • Either pay your existing chosen charity directly or choose a charity and pay your donation via their mobile app donation partner Thinking of You the place where charities benefit more
  • Share the news of becoming Xmas Party Heroes on your social channels
  • Make sure you use the hashtag #xmaspartyheroes and share the amount

For more information click here