History Makers: making smoking a thing of the past

history makersVoluntary Sector North West (VSNW) are working in partnership with the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership to recruit young people living in Greater Manchester as Digital History Makers who will support their campaign to make smoking history in Greater Manchester. VSNW are particularly looking for people who are creative, passionate and engaging.

The successful applicants will be required to produce at least two pieces of digital content, for which they will receive a grant of £300.

The criteria is as follows:

  • Applicants must be aged 16-24 and live in Greater Manchester
  • They should have a view or personal experience of smoking which they will base their content on
  • They will give permission for their content to be shared online as part of the Greater Manchester History Makers campaign
  • The content can take any digital form, such as a blog, podcast, video or image.
  • It doesn’t have to deal with the health dangers associated with smoking. For example, it could also look at the environmental or social impacts of tobacco use

For more information and to apply click here

Deadline for applications: 4 December 2020