EU Food Wave programme

food waveThe mission of Food Wave is to empower young people to create awareness of sustainable food, and have an influential voice in institutional decisions to achieve a fair and sustainable food system by 2030.

200 young people will be recruited this year as volunteers for the Manchester part of the programme. There are 17 cities taking part across the EU (the aim is for up to 15 Million young people to be involved across the EU through social media). The Manchester programme is being supported by Manchester Climate Change Agency, Sow the City, Met Munch and Groundwork Greater Manchester.

Today’s food and conventional agriculture systems have succeeded in feeding people but have caused biodiversity loss, soil depletion, certain health problems, and around 30% of climate change emissions globally. Emissions from the food sector alone would put the Paris agreement target out of reach if all other emissions were zero. Climate change is incredibly important for young people who will feel the consequences of climate change more than older generations. Creating a sustainable food system with more environmentally friendly and local production, less waste, and improved food security is vitally important for Manchester.

The programme is looking to link up with other organisations and people that might want to collaborate with Food Wave.

Are you working on initiatives, projects, or campaigns that Food Wave can link up with? Are there other ideas you have for ways to link up or collaborate with Food Wave?

To get involved click here

