Manchester Deaf Centre invites you for MDC day Wednesday 9 June
Did you know there are approximately 11 million people in the UK who are deaf or hard of hearing?
There are approximately 150,000 British Sign Language users. BSL is a rich and beautiful language comprising ofhand gestures, facial expressions and body movement. It was recognised as a language in its own right in 2003.
Let’s work together to spread deaf awareness. Wear one item of purple – or go all out and dress head to toe in MDCcolours!
A generous donation of £1 made by anyone involved in MDC will collectively make a huge difference to the vital services MDC provide.
Donations can be made here or via the DONATE NOW button on their website
MDC services
- Well-being, advocacy, information, training, employment and enterprise support
- Social groups
- Children and Young People Services
- British Sign Language and Deaf Awareness courses and training
- Sign Language Choir
- Provision of Communication Professionals (e.g. BSL Interpreters, Lip-speakers, Deaf Intermediary Interpreters)
Competition time
Want to win a £10 Amazon gift voucher?
Submit your photos by tagging @MCRDeafCentre across social media and using the hashtags #gopurpleformdc #mdcday
MDC will pick their 5 favourites and announce the winners on 11 June 21 – gift vouchers will then be posted out.