Great Big Green Week

great big green weekThe Great Big Green Week will take place 18 - 26 September 2021, and will be the largest event for climate and nature ever seen in the UK. Thousands of events will celebrate how communities are taking action to tackle climate change and protect green spaces, and encourage others to get involved too.

What events will there be?
These will range from art installations, to concerts to community stalls, to climate cafes, and everything in between; hosted by teachers, bus drivers, sport clubs, artists, community groups, places of worship, builders and anyone who cares about climate change.

Great Big Green Week community hubs will celebrate local activity, raise the profile of climate change and show why it is relevant to your community and local decision makers.

National organisations, institutions, businesses and media outlets will join in, getting more people involved up and down the country, and putting pressure on the UK Government to up its game on climate change.

What can I do?
Join The Great Big Green Week in September to show decision makers that people from all walks of life are stepping up to take action on climate change.

There are many ways that you can get involved and show up for your world. From activities you can do at home, to organising a Green Week in your area: help to make history and be part of the biggest climate event the UK has ever seen.

For more information and to get involved click here
