Ambition for Ageing are delivering a second round of their online practice based-workshops, in September, for anyone working to make neighbourhoods more age-friendly across Greater Manchester.
Each workshop will focus on a specific area of learning from Ambition for Ageing. Over the last six years, the programme has developed an evidence base on communities, ageing, equalities and co-production, and we want to share this learning and provide an opportunity to apply it in practice.
The workshops are designed for anyone working to make neighbourhoods more age-friendly, including project managers, community development workers, and neighbourhood volunteers.
Each workshop will include practical examples, a guest presentation, an opportunity to share ideas with other practitioners and space to reflect on applying the learning to where you work.
13 September: Meeting the Challenge of Taking an Equalities Approach to Place-Based Work
15 September: The Value of Shared Spaces in Place-Based Working
16 September: Co-production in Sustaining Age-Friendly Places