Volunteer Coordinators Forum - Powered by a spirit of peer support

“The Volunteer Coordinators Forum gives me a great sounding board to cross-check our internal volunteering procedures with what other organisations are doing, provides me with inspiration around other volunteering strategies and initiatives from across the area, and motivates me to continually strive to improve the volunteering experience we offer.” Claire, Together Trust

The Volunteer Co-ordinators Forum (VCF) is a chance for people who are responsible for involving volunteers in the work of their organisation, whether as their paid job or as a volunteer themselves, to come together.

It is a peer support space facilitated by Volunteer Centre Manchester, a space to share useful ideas and resources and to seek support and advice from other volunteer coordinators in the city.

Jack, manager of the Volunteer Centre, said, “Our own observations tell us that people take great benefit in meeting with their peers, and this includes personal and professional development, health and wellbeing and gathering insight and feedback.”

“We’ve worked hard to build a forum that is flexible, supportive and worthwhile to all that attend but this has had to change and develop throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. We also often hear that these meetings provide an opportunity to protect time or give permission to step into a network outside that of the typical structures of work.”

The benefits of the VCF are increasing health and wellbeing, and providing useful information, advice and guidance. There is a chance to reflect and decompress during the forums which has been of benefit to some of the people that are working tirelessly at this time.

To sign up for the next forum in October, visit the Manchester Community Central website - https://manchestercommunitycentral.org/civicrm/mailing/view?id=3723&reset=1
