
See below for requests for support and donations from voluntary organisations and groups across Manchester. You can see what is happening around the city around this time on the Manchester City Council's Christmas page.

If you would like to add to this list, please email the details to [email protected]

Greater Manchester Mayor's Charity: With the recent drop in temperature indicating a definite start of winter, all efforts at Greater Manchester Mayor’s Charity are beginning to focus on their upcoming winter campaign.

1000 Beds for Christmas 2023
A Bed Every Night provides a safety net for those who have no other option than to sleep on the streets right here in Greater Manchester. Just £30 will help fund a bed for the night with vital wrap around support. Donate

Deck The Halls
Greater Manchester Mayor’s Charity have teamed up with much-loved family business, Black Sheep Wools, to create a brand new festive campaign. 
It doesn’t matter if you’re a seasoned crafter or ready for a new challenge, there is the pattern for you!  You can buy the digital download patterns at just £2 each or £9 for all five, as well as a choice of three yarn packs (Holly Jolly, Last Christmas, and Merry & Bright) – with all proceeds from the patterns and 10% for every yarn pack going to the charity. Read more

Are you a restaurant, hotel or shop owner across Greater Manchester? They are looking for more businesses interested in hosting one of their Tap2Donate points. Each tap is just £3. If you can get 10 taps in one day, that could be a night of accommodation in their pioneering scheme, A Bed Every Night. Just 10 taps covers a night in this much-needed scheme. 

Product Partner
This Christmas, why not consider giving your product that extra special meaning by committing to donate a percentage of your sales to their A Bed Every Night scheme. Be it a meal in your restaurant, a drink in your bar or a new line of products in your shop, get in touch today to find out how your business can give back this Christmas. 

Contact [email protected] for more information.

Greater Together Manchester: With the colder months setting in, their Social Super Market could use your help! A donation of just £4 could cover someone’s food shop, enabling them to give those in need access to free items. You can donate directly here. You could also set up a donation box at your office for ambient items and toiletries and drop this off! To arrange this, please contact [email protected] for a list of up-to-date items most needed. 

If you are spare on time, just a couple hours of volunteering as a Driver could help stock their shop with low-cost food items to help people through the coming months. Find out more about the driving volunteer role here. For further information about volunteering, please contact [email protected].

National Device Bank: The cheerful holiday season is fast approaching. But for many, they’re worried they’ll be spending it alone. Left on the wrong side of the digital divide, people can’t access or afford to use the internet to connect with their loved ones. You can help fix the digital divide and build a more inclusive digital society where everyone can get connected. 

Are you a business looking to make a difference this holiday season? Give the gift of connection. Donate devices that you no longer use to the National Device Bank.
The National Device Bank accepts used IT equipment and devices, including laptops, mobiles and tablets, from organisations of any size and sector – it’s a secure, sustainable and socially responsible solution for your unused devices.

Random Acts of Kindness: Download the Autumn RAKtivist toolkit that includes fun activities and kindness ideas, with the theme of Giving Back. You can also download the December toolkit which has the theme of Friends and Family.

Every season RAK creates a toolkit to help all of you promote kindness throughout your own communities using our six kindness concepts of RESPECT, CARING, INCLUSIVENESS, INTEGRITY, RESPONSIBILITY, and COURAGE. Below are some ideas to get you started. Don’t feel obligated to do all of these activities. The goal is to choose at least one and then stick with it. Kindness is contagious and once you start, others will inevitably join in! 

Download Autumn toolkit

Download December toolkit

Street Support Network: Over the Christmas period, Street Support Network get lots of individuals and businesses who want to volunteer their time to support homelessness charities, but they sometimes struggle to know where to start or how to give their time in the most effective way. Street Support Network have launched their Volunteer for Good campaign, which helps to guide volunteers about how to use their skills and time in a way that really helps charities.

Warm Welcome Spaces: The Warm Welcome Campaign exists to turn poverty and isolation into warmth and welcome through the power of local Spaces made by and for the community. The dark evenings and cold winter months are challenging for everyone, especially people who feel lonely and isolated, and anyone who can’t afford to heat their home or feed themselves.

Make sure your space is registered so everyone can find a local Warm Welcome Space.

Have a read of their getting started guide to give you an idea of what it’s like to set up a space.