UnLtd Social Enterprise Funding

unltdUnLtd makes grants to support the start-up and growth of social enterprises. They offer two levels of grant:

  • Up to £5,000: for starting a social business, from the early stages of forming an idea, to those who have been trading for under a year, whether or not you have already established your organisation
  • Up to £15,000: for growing an existing social business, supporting you to realise your potential to grow your impact and expand

The programme has two focus areas:

  • Healthy Ageing: for businesses which will help the UK become a better place to grow old – e.g. helping older people to enjoy physical exercise, creating better quality dementia care or working to allow older people to remain independently in their own homes for longer
  • Access to Employment: for businesses which are aimed at helping people into good jobs and meaningful employment, particularly those who are currently denied those opportunities – such as ex-offenders, people with learning differences, and/or disabled people

Apply here

Applications are open now until 31 December 2021