The Charity Service - Winter Fund

The Charity Service have 20 x £250 grants available for small charities, community or voluntary groups in Greater Manchester who want to do something towards alleviating social isolation/loneliness or provide support to the homeless or vulnerable families and children this winter. 

What can you apply for?

That is up to you but some things this could include is: 

  • Festive Parties (traditional or online) for any age group! 
  • ‘Get togethers’ with tea and cakes 
  • Bingo or quiz nights 
  • Children’s ‘goodie bags’ 
  • Food parcels  

How do you apply? 

Call Pete Yarwood on 0793 691 7679 for an initial chat and if your project sounds suitable, he will email you a short application form. Then email your completed form back to [email protected] 

Once received the Grant Committee to look at your application and you will be notified of their decision as soon as possible

For more information and to apply click here 
