Manchester City Council – Open spaces survey

Manchester City Council are asking residents and businesses for their opinion on public open spaces, sport sites and leisure facilities.

surveyThese spaces provide opportunities for sport, recreation, socialising, tourism and wildlife, which can improve the health and well-being of communities, ecosystems and economies. Manchester has a wide variety of provision including leisure centres, allotments and larger parks such as Heaton and Wythenshawe.

Manchester City Council want to hear from you to ensure that they are providing accessible, high quality sites that meet the needs and aspirations of local communities, local people and people who work in or visit the area.

By completing the survey you will provide valuable information that they will use to inform the new Local Plan. It will also help to inform future investment decisions for our public open spaces in line with the City Council Park Strategy, Playing Pitch Strategy, Indoor and Built Facilities Strategy and Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy.

Manchester City Council want to get your views on the following types of provision:

  • Local parks: these are small spaces that provide a focal point for local neighbourhoods and can be defined as one or more of the following: a grass area, play area, sports facility, flower-bed. Examples include Anfield Road, Bignor Street, Chesterton Road, High Bank and Mersey Bank.
  • Community parks: these are larger local parks that have a variety of facilities and features, and can host activities and small community events. Examples include Brookdale Park, Chorlton Park, Crowcroft Park, Didsbury Park, Fog Lane Park, Philips Park and Swinton Grove.
  • Destination parks: these are parks that provide a range of facilities and visitor attractions. They include a variety of distinctive features and open space that can be used in different ways, such as the hosting of major events. Examples include Alexandra Park, Boggart Hole Clough, Chorlton Water Park, Fletcher Moss Gardens, Heaton Park, Platt Fields Park and Wythenshawe Park.
  • Nature reserve, common or woodland: Areas intended for wildlife conservation, biodiversity and environmental education and awareness. Examples include Moston Fairway Nature Reserve and The Mersey Valley.
  • Play area for young children: Areas designed for play and social interaction containing play equipment (i.e. swings, slides etc). Often intended for supervised play
  • Play area for older children: Play facilities aimed at older children such multi-use games areas, skateboard areas and BMX tracks. Often intended for unsupervised play
  • General amenity greenspace: Grassed areas providing opportunities for informal activities close to home or work
  • Allotments and community schemes: Opportunities for people to grow their own produce as part of the long term promotion of sustainability, health and social inclusion
  • Cemeteries and churchyards: Quiet contemplation areas, which are often linked to the promotion of wildlife conservation and biodiversity
  • Civic spaces, war memorials: Market squares, war memorials and other hard surfaced areas designed for pedestrians and which often provide a setting for civic buildings, public demonstrations and community events
  • Cycleways, footpaths, bridleways, canal towpaths: Areas or routes for walking, cycling or horse riding, whether for leisure purposes or travel, which also help attract wildlife
  • Sports facilities: E.g. Leisure centres, sport specific venues, outdoor sports pitches.

Complete the survey here

The survey closes on 29 March 2022