Are you interested in becoming a member of Macc?
By joining our membership, you will not only gain access to resources, events and support, but also have the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and organisations who share your interests and passions. Macc values of being supportive, collaborative and influential are at the core of our membership with members encouraged to share their knowledge and skills with one another.
We believe, that by working together, we can achieve great things and make a positive impact across the city of Manchester and wider. So why not join us and become part of our growing network. We would love to have you as a member!
Please click the Sign up here to Become a member image below to complete our online membership application form or sign up here.
Who can become a member?
Anyone who wishes to support and engage with our work can become a member of Macc, this includes:
- Manchester VCSE organisations
- Non-Manchester organisations
- Public sector bodies
- Businesses (if you would like to find out more about becoming a member please email Richard Phillips our Business Partnerships Lead at:
- Individuals, including volunteers and active citizens
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How we can support each other
We would like to know what your organisation could offer to the membership. If you are a business interested in supporting Macc and/or another voluntary, community or social enterprise organisation in a mutually beneficial way, this is something that we can help with. Examples include:
- Representing the sector in meetings
- Sharing insights, skills and expertise
- Peer support and mentoring
- Offering training and workshops
- Speaking at events
- Writing features and blogs
- Responding to surveys
- Attending members’ forums
- Attending our Annual General Meetings (Manchester based VCSE organisations only)
If you would like to chat to us about becoming a member please email us at: or contact Conor on 0742 589 2260.