
Addressing poverty in Manchester is one of the Policy and Influence team’s policy priorities.  

Below you can see the work we are doing in this area, to ensure we are working in accordance to Macc’s stance on poverty. The video below is a part of our ‘What Macc Stands For’ policy statements, and explains Macc’s stance on poverty.

Making Manchester Fairer 

Making Manchester Fairer is a city wide action plan to address health inequalities across Manchester over the next five years. The plan was made in response to The Marmot Review, which was a piece of research that found high levels of inequality across Greater Manchester. 

Macc facilitates the representation of the Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise sector in Making Manchester Fairer work. For example, we provide a platform of representation through our Health & Wellbeing Leaders group, where members of the voluntary and community sector can both provide and receive regular feedback to and from the council’s Marmot Taskgroup. 

Macc also attends council scrutiny committees to keep updated on Making Manchester Fairer work across Manchester, and shares these updates with the wider sector. You can also keep updated by reading these updates on our fortnightly ‘P&I Shorts’. Sign up to Shorts here.