Media Trust: Intersectionality Unpacked - How to Embed Intersectionality into your Comms

Date & time: 22 February 2024, 10:00am - 11:30am

As the writer and activist Audre Lorde once said, we do not live single-issue lives. So as communicators and writers, it’s essential that we don’t tell single issue stories.

Intersectionality, the way in which oppressions layer and multiply, is rooted in Black Feminism, and is as relevant today as it was in the 1800s when it first became a school of thought, or in 1989 when the term itself was coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw. An intersectional analysis is a vital tool for charities to reach wider audiences, deliver inspirational campaigns and communicate authentically.

At times we can struggle in knowing exactly how to deliver upon a campaign that is built with intersectionality at its core.

In this 90 minute workshop, we will uncover the history of Intersectionality, understand the context in which it appears in our lives and most importantly, feel confident in utilising an intersectional framework across our campaigns and work streams, to make them more inclusive, more authentic and more representative of the world we live in.

At the end of the session you will:

  • · Understand the history, context and meaning of Intersectionality from its origin to how it is understood today
  • · Build confidence in applying an intersectional analysis to campaigns, storytelling and communications, ensuring that you are asking the right questions, discovering the common pitfalls and recognising the best ways to create more inclusive and diverse programmes of work
  • · Commit to further learning and feel empowered in sharing the insights with their colleagues across the sector
Media Trust
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