Household Support Fund Round Five £300 Referral Form

Please note: only applications from registered referral organisations will be accepted. Complete all sections of this form - incomplete applications will be rejected.

About the funding recipient / qualifying household


Regardless of Household Support Fund eligibility, how many people in the household are:

IMPORTANT: If the qualifying recipient is aged under 16 (i.e. in the disabled people category), please only enter the name of their parent or adult guardian. However, all other details provided must relate to the qualifying person.

State the specific electoral ward they are based in
Housing Tenure - state which of the following is most applicable
State the main need for which this funding is requested
Amount requested
Funding will be paid to referral organisations by bank transfer. However, state the funding recipient’s preference as to how they will receive the money from your organisation
(e.g. at risk of becoming homeless, serious health problems, etc.)



All the information supplied is correct to the best of my knowledge. I am authorised to submit this application on behalf of our organisation (signature not required).


Equalities monitoring for the funding recipient

State whether the qualifying person is registered disabled (if your referral is being made under the “disabled” rather than “pension-age” category, and you are selecting option 'No' or 'Prefers not to say', please use the box below to briefly explain why you are referring them as “disabled”)
State the lead recipient’s sex
State the qualifying person’s age (if the qualifying household member is disabled and of pension-age, please ensure you have selected “Households containing at least one person aged 65 or older” at the top of this form. If they are aged under 65, they must be a disabled person to be eligible for funding)
State the lead recipient’s ethnicity (not nationality)
State the sexual orientation of the lead recipient
State the religion of the lead recipient
State whether the lead recipient is employed or not
If employed, state their working pattern
State whether the lead recipient has caring responsibilities