Valuing lived experience

Date & time: 20 September 2024, 9:00am - 3:00pm

Learn better practice in engaging with people with lived experience of poverty.

What you’ll learn:

  • Insights into our work engaging with people with lived experience of poverty in order to develop responses to poverty
  • Practical support on how to set up and facilitate lived experience spaces and how to use these spaces to enhance your work
  • Best practice around ensuring safety of attendees, recognising multiple disadvantage and listening to and valuing people we work with

Who's it for?
Anyone aiming to better understand the value of lived experience engagement in tackling poverty, and the practicalities of developing and managing lived experience engagement activities

Trainer: Dan Oliver, Head of Programmes at Resolve Poverty

£200 or £133 for VCFSE and small organisations
Resolve Poverty
Shared Topic Areas
Further details / booking