0333 321 3021


NCVO: Managing people in the charity sector (2 days)

Date & Time of Training: 
15 August, 2024 - 10:00 to 22 August, 2024 - 15:00

This course will equip managers in the voluntary sector with the skills and techniques they need to effectively manage paid members of staff

By the end of the training, you'll: 

  • understand the key principles of good people management
  • identify behaviours that build trust (and those that do the opposite)
  • learn how to motivate different people
  • explore tools for managing workloads and setting objectives collaboratively
  • explore assertive approaches in a range of situations
  • practise giving and receiving feedback
  • practise delegating effectively
  • practise managing performance, including addressing under-performance
  • practise different techniques for handling real-life tricky situations (including charity-specific examples)
  • learn practical skills for managing remote line management and team meetings
  • identify a wide range of further resources to support your ongoing development as a manager.

Day 1: Thursday 15 August 10:00-15:00

Day 2: Thursday 22 August 10:00-15:00

From £112 for NCVO members. See website for other costs.
Further details / booking: